Sunrise or Sunset Engagement pictures?

Sunrise or Sunset Engagement pictures?

Sunrise or Sunset Engagement pictures?

Sunrise or Sunset Engagement pictures? General question, and because engagement season is around the corner, let’s clarify this with our celebrity wedding photographer Jan Freire.

In general, it’s the same question as almost everything weddings related with an easy answer – do it as you wish. There are always experts, and it’s wise to ask and listen to their views, as they do it regularly.
So, Jan, sunrise, or sunset engagement session? What’s the better option?

Well, there are incentives for both. Let’s see some…

©Freire Wedding Photo

Reasons to do sunrise engagement pictures are: 

  • for me, #1 is that it’s usually less crowded on location
  • you are gaining the light instead of losing it
  • it’s also cooler outside in the morning during the summer
  • you can continue towards the day
  • you can enjoy breakfast dates afterward

Reasons to do sunset engagement pictures are: 

  • reverse flow – you can start warming up during the perfect afternoon light, and you finish with the best mood and location with the golden and blue hour
  • it’s warmer outside, which is an advantage all year long except for the summer
  • the light is usually more beautiful, and it feels like it lasts longer
  • you actually have time for makeup and hair. If you chose sunrise, you have to wake up at 3 am because of this
  • and you can enjoy a dinner date afterward
©Freire Wedding Photo

I also asked some of our brides about their views.

Irina: We did one sunrise session a year ago. The pictures looked like any sunset session. My only issue is the flow of a sunrise session. You will have the best light while everyone is still warming up, and as the light gets worse, everyone will be more comfortable. The benefit will be if sunrise is in a more desirable location compared to sunset.

Lara: I really like sunrise sessions if you are into it, but my main advice is to plan to be there before sunrise. Ideally, 30 minutes or more. Indeed, something to ask your photographer about and their preferences, but I really like the dawn light, and it also gives a bit of wiggle room for being late. If you plan to start at 6:45 for a 6:45 sunrise, and one of you is 10-15 minutes late, you’ve eaten into some precious shooting time. But if you plan to start at 6:30 or 6:15, you get a little cushion.

Kelly: Sunrise shoots are never worth the early get-up. You will literally have to get up at 3 am to do your hair and makeup and get ready. I wouldn’t do it for just a few “cool” photos.

©Freire Wedding Photo

Jan again: It’s mostly about your preference. I’m a very, very night owl, so if I have to wake up early means that I do not sleep that night, so it’s better worth it. But if you are an early bird, a sunrise session might be your choice. I would say that this is the best answer to this dilemma about the best time for your engagement session.

I hope you guys are wiser now because I am ? and if you have any questions, let us know in the comments below.

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  1. Emily Terrell

    This is a tough one. I love both options. But I’m not much of a morning person, so sunset might be preferable. Loved the insight on both, though!

  2. adriana

    Wow, so many lovely pictures and keeping those moments alive in images. I love both sunrise and sunset.

  3. Viano

    I have to say, both are really beautiful but at the end of the day it boils down to individual preferences.

  4. Blair Villanueva

    I am getting more awesome ideas about wedding photography. Perfect coz I love the sunsets!

  5. Elizabeth O

    Something about sunset is so captivating to me. I got married mid day and the sunset photos were some of my favorites.

  6. Meera

    Beautiful photos. Sunset and sunrise are always fascinating..

  7. Mary

    I’m more of a sunset person, mostly because I don’t like waking up
    that early! Sunrise pictures are very nice though!

  8. Sandy N Vyjay

    Sunrise and sunset pictures are the best for all occasions. We love the golden hours and always like to photograph and be photographed at this time.

  9. Mike A.

    Interesting. I guess it really does depend on the people. Both options make for some awesome photos, though!

  10. Dris W

    These are so beautiful wow. Hmm, I prefer bright light photos, but have seen some amazing sunset pics

  11. Keerti Bhatnagar

    Wow! These pictures looks awesome ? . Sunset time will be the more suitable time for photoshoot as waking up early is really tedious task?

  12. Michele

    I wouldn’t know which to choose. Your photos are so beautiful, you are making it hard if I had to choose.

  13. Ben Cross

    Now this is a tough choice as both are excellent ideas and everyone has their preferences. Personally my choice would be the sunset one.

  14. Krizzia Scollon

    I prefer sunset photos but that’s because I’m not a morning person lol. Would be nice to have a sunrise photo one day though 🙂

  15. Kenneth

    These are stunning! But like all others, its sunset for me too. Thanks for sharing.

  16. Rochelle

    These pictures are absolutely gorgeous but I’m definitely a sunset gal

  17. Nkem

    Good question and I like that you’ve got perspective from different people! I think sunrise would be nice because it would be so quiet.