Lessons learned from our rainy wedding day

Lessons learned from our rainy wedding day

I saw many posts of a bride stressing out about the weather, especially rain, so I decided to write this article to help plan for plan B. It was rainy for my own wedding and the same repeated at our recent wedding we planned. So here are some tips for a rainy wedding day from my experience:

Have a plan B for the photo options. 

You might not get to do the first look where you desired or those dreamy sunset photos, but it’s ok. Prioritize family photos because getting everyone together in a nice outfit is rare. You can always do a post-wedding couple photoshoot after the wedding on a nice day with your photographer. It’s actually more common than you think.

Have a backup outfit: dress and shoes. 

If you’re going to step out in the rain for photos, just know that that train is soaked and full of dirt. You might not want to bustle it afterward. A change of clothing will make you feel better. Depending on his suit and how heavy it rained, this might also apply to the groom.

Rainy wedding day means wet wedding train

Also, do not stress regarding the wet wedding train. It actually won’t show up on photos.

Get clear umbrellas

Get clear umbrellas, even refurbished ones, from Amazon with 2 days’ shipping, and you can resale them afterward. You don’t have to buy it until the week of, and you are certain it will rain.

Get a slip and fall insurance policy.

This point is here mainly for US weddings. People easily slip and fall even indoors. Ask the venue if they can put some mats down to avoid that.

Updo is the way to go for rainy wedding day. 

Even though you might already settle on a looser and let-down hair or Hollywood style, make the executive decision that morning with your hairstylist. The curl might not hold well in the rain. Well, it’s not just about curls, so I just have to remind you of our oldest and one of the most popular articles about bridal hairstyles.

Get even more umbrellas available. 

Get some umbrellas available at the parking area if it happens to be outside. Some guests might not come as prepared, and they’ll be soaked coming in. Our venues usually have valet parking and provide umbrellas for our guests.

Do not stress! 

Both for your mental and also vanity’s sake. My mom was stressed, so in all her photos, she looked pissed! Just smile away no matter what happens.

Pin it!

And as always, if you have any questions or more tips, let us know in the comments below.
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  1. Mila

    Repeating the “get the insurance” advice for slips and falls. You honestly just never know. The minimum cost on the rider will pay for itself many times over if your goofy cousin takes a spill and later decides to sue you for the medical bills. My fiance keeps questioning why in the world we need it, but I feel like the $400 I’m paying for it is worth ten times more in my peace of mind.
    There was a bride whose cousin’s health insurance company sued her and her partner over a slip and fall. The couple eventually got removed from the lawsuit, but it was $12,000 in legal fees.
    And one friendly reminder would be to get also liquor liability, not just general liability.

  2. Leyla

    How did you ride photos? Have you found a new location last minute? We’re planning on doing a first look, bridal party, and family portraits at a nearby park since we can only get to our venue 1 hour before the ceremony. Now I’m trying to think of alternative solutions if it were to rain that day.

    1. WMFteam108

      This is when it comes in handy to pick a wedding planner familiar with the venue and have a plan B photo timeline, including locations. We created a document and added images for both the primary and plan B timelines, so everyone was cleared where to be at.
      Have a final call on the day off with your planner to decide if you go with plan A or B. Then they’ll express that to your photographer and videographer.
      It’s also helpful to go on Google Maps and do the street view of the surrounding park area to see if there’s any gazebo, amphitheater, etc.